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SUI Coin

The native asset on Sui is called SUI. The coin uses the capitalized version of SUI to distinguish the coin from the Sui network.

The total supply of SUI is capped at 10,000,000,000 (ten billion coins). A share of SUI total supply became liquid at Mainnet launch, with the remaining coins vesting over the coming years, or distributed as future stake reward subsidies.

The SUI coin serves four purposes on the Sui network:

  • You can stake SUI to participate in the proof-of-stake mechanism.
  • SUI is the asset denomination needed to pay the gas fees required to execute and store transactions or other operations on the Sui network.
  • You can use SUI as a versatile and liquid asset for various applications, including the standard features of money - a unit of account, a medium of exchange, or a store of value - and more complex functionality smart contracts enable, interoperability, and composability across the Sui ecosystem.
  • SUI coins play an important role in governance by acting as a right to participate in on-chain voting on issues such as protocol upgrades.

There is a finite supply of SUI. The balance must support all economic activities to scale as more and more people migrate to the Sui platform. In addition, the presence of a storage fund creates important monetary dynamics, in that higher on-chain data requirements translate into a larger storage fund, reducing the amount of SUI in circulation.