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Because Token types do not have the store ability, it is impossible to store them in another object. Hence, Coin-like approaches to spending are not possible - an application that takes Token as a payment won't be able to add it to its balance. To address this issue, Token has a spend method, which allows spending it in one application and then delivering it as a spent_balance to the TokenPolicy or burning right away with a TreasuryCap.

Spend action

Tokens can be spent by calling the spend method. It takes the following arguments:

// module sui::token
public fun spend<T>(token: Token<T>, ctx: &mut TxContext): ActionRequest<T>;

As the signature shows, the Token object is consumed. Its balance becomes the spent_balance in the ActionRequest.

Spent token

The ActionRequest for the spend action contains the Balance of the spent Token, and it can either be confirmed with a TreasuryCap or delivered to the TokenPolicy. In the first case, the balance is burned directly in the TreasuryCap, and in the second case, it's delivered to the TokenPolicy spent_balance.

Spent balance cannot be used in any way, and it is not possible to withdraw it. The only available action is flushing - burning the spent_balance by bringing a TreasuryCap.

Gating the spend action

Normally, the spend action should have at least one rule assigned to it to prevent aimless spending, and the recommended way of authorizing the spend in an application that accepts the token is to stamp it right in the function where a spend is performed. For example:

/// Rule-like witness to stamp the ActionRequest
struct GiftShop has drop {}

/// Spend the token and return a Gift + ActionRequest
public fun buy_gift(
token: Token<CREDITS>,
ctx: &mut TxContext
): (Gift, ActionRequest<CREDITS>) {

// token is spent
let action_request = token::spend(token, ctx);

// stamp the ActionRequest as performed by GiftShop
token::add_approval(GiftShop {}, &mut action_request, ctx);

// return already stamped ActionRequest
(Gift { ... }, action_request)