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Module sui::deny_list

Defines the DenyList type. The DenyList shared object is used to restrict access to instances of certain core types from being used as inputs by specified addresses in the deny list.

use std::ascii;
use std::bcs;
use std::option;
use std::string;
use std::vector;
use sui::address;
use sui::bag;
use sui::config;
use sui::dynamic_field;
use sui::dynamic_object_field;
use sui::event;
use sui::hex;
use sui::object;
use sui::table;
use sui::transfer;
use sui::tx_context;
use sui::vec_set;

Struct DenyList

A shared object that stores the addresses that are blocked for a given core type.

public struct DenyList has key
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id: sui::object::UID
lists: sui::bag::Bag
The individual deny lists.

Struct ConfigWriteCap

The capability used to write to the deny list config. Ensures that the Configs for the DenyList are modified only by this module.

public struct ConfigWriteCap has drop
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Struct ConfigKey

The dynamic object field key used to store the Config for a given type, essentially a (per_type_index, per_type_key) pair.

public struct ConfigKey has copy, drop, store
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per_type_index: u64
per_type_key: vector<u8>

Struct AddressKey

The setting key used to store the deny list for a given address in the Config.

public struct AddressKey has copy, drop, store
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0: address

Struct GlobalPauseKey

The setting key used to store the global pause setting in the Config.

public struct GlobalPauseKey has copy, drop, store
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Struct PerTypeConfigCreated

The event emitted when a new Config is created for a given type. This can be useful for tracking the ID of a type's Config object.

public struct PerTypeConfigCreated has copy, drop, store
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Struct PerTypeList

Stores the addresses that are denied for a given core type.

public struct PerTypeList has key, store
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id: sui::object::UID
denied_count: sui::table::Table<address, u64>
Number of object types that have been banned for a given address. Used to quickly skip checks for most addresses.
denied_addresses: sui::table::Table<vector<u8>, sui::vec_set::VecSet<address>>
Set of addresses that are banned for a given type. For example with sui::coin::Coin: If addresses A and B are banned from using "0...0123::my_coin::MY_COIN", this will be "0...0123::my_coin::MY_COIN" -> {A, B}.


Trying to create a deny list object when not called by the system address.

const ENotSystemAddress: u64 = 0;

The specified address to be removed is not already in the deny list.

const ENotDenied: u64 = 1;

The specified address cannot be added to the deny list.

const EInvalidAddress: u64 = 1;

The index into the deny list vector for the sui::coin::Coin type.

const COIN_INDEX: u64 = 0;

These addresses are reserved and cannot be added to the deny list. The addresses listed are well known package and object addresses. So it would be meaningless to add them to the deny list.

const RESERVED: vector<address> = vector[0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf, 0x403, 0xdee9];

Function v2_add

public(package) fun v2_add(deny_list: &mut sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>, addr: address, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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public(package) fun v2_add(
    deny_list: &mut DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    per_type_key: vector<u8>,
    addr: address,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
    let per_type_config = deny_list.per_type_config_entry!(per_type_index, per_type_key, ctx);
    let setting_name = AddressKey(addr);
    let next_epoch_entry = per_type_config.entry!<_, AddressKey, bool>(
        &mut ConfigWriteCap(),
        |_deny_list, _cap, _ctx| true,
    *next_epoch_entry = true;

Function v2_remove

public(package) fun v2_remove(deny_list: &mut sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>, addr: address, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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public(package) fun v2_remove(
    deny_list: &mut DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    per_type_key: vector<u8>,
    addr: address,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
    let per_type_config = deny_list.per_type_config_entry!(per_type_index, per_type_key, ctx);
    let setting_name = AddressKey(addr);
    per_type_config.remove_for_next_epoch<_, AddressKey, bool>(
        &mut ConfigWriteCap(),

Function v2_contains_current_epoch

public(package) fun v2_contains_current_epoch(deny_list: &sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>, addr: address, ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext): bool
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public(package) fun v2_contains_current_epoch(
    deny_list: &DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    per_type_key: vector<u8>,
    addr: address,
    ctx: &TxContext,
): bool {
    if (!deny_list.per_type_exists(per_type_index, per_type_key)) return false;
    let per_type_config = deny_list.borrow_per_type_config(per_type_index, per_type_key);
    let setting_name = AddressKey(addr);
    config::read_setting(object::id(per_type_config), setting_name, ctx).destroy_or!(false)

Function v2_contains_next_epoch

public(package) fun v2_contains_next_epoch(deny_list: &sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>, addr: address): bool
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public(package) fun v2_contains_next_epoch(
    deny_list: &DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    per_type_key: vector<u8>,
    addr: address,
): bool {
    if (!deny_list.per_type_exists(per_type_index, per_type_key)) return false;
    let per_type_config = deny_list.borrow_per_type_config(per_type_index, per_type_key);
    let setting_name = AddressKey(addr);

Function v2_enable_global_pause

public(package) fun v2_enable_global_pause(deny_list: &mut sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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public(package) fun v2_enable_global_pause(
    deny_list: &mut DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    per_type_key: vector<u8>,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
    let per_type_config = deny_list.per_type_config_entry!(per_type_index, per_type_key, ctx);
    let setting_name = GlobalPauseKey();
    let next_epoch_entry = per_type_config.entry!<_, GlobalPauseKey, bool>(
        &mut ConfigWriteCap(),
        |_deny_list, _cap, _ctx| true,
    *next_epoch_entry = true;

Function v2_disable_global_pause

public(package) fun v2_disable_global_pause(deny_list: &mut sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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public(package) fun v2_disable_global_pause(
    deny_list: &mut DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    per_type_key: vector<u8>,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
    let per_type_config = deny_list.per_type_config_entry!(per_type_index, per_type_key, ctx);
    let setting_name = GlobalPauseKey();
    per_type_config.remove_for_next_epoch<_, GlobalPauseKey, bool>(
        &mut ConfigWriteCap(),

Function v2_is_global_pause_enabled_current_epoch

public(package) fun v2_is_global_pause_enabled_current_epoch(deny_list: &sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>, ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext): bool
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public(package) fun v2_is_global_pause_enabled_current_epoch(
    deny_list: &DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    per_type_key: vector<u8>,
    ctx: &TxContext,
): bool {
    if (!deny_list.per_type_exists(per_type_index, per_type_key)) return false;
    let per_type_config = deny_list.borrow_per_type_config(per_type_index, per_type_key);
    let setting_name = GlobalPauseKey();
    config::read_setting(object::id(per_type_config), setting_name, ctx).destroy_or!(false)

Function v2_is_global_pause_enabled_next_epoch

public(package) fun v2_is_global_pause_enabled_next_epoch(deny_list: &sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>): bool
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public(package) fun v2_is_global_pause_enabled_next_epoch(
    deny_list: &DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    per_type_key: vector<u8>,
): bool {
    if (!deny_list.per_type_exists(per_type_index, per_type_key)) return false;
    let per_type_config = deny_list.borrow_per_type_config(per_type_index, per_type_key);
    let setting_name = GlobalPauseKey();

Function migrate_v1_to_v2

public(package) fun migrate_v1_to_v2(deny_list: &mut sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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public(package) fun migrate_v1_to_v2(
    deny_list: &mut DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    per_type_key: vector<u8>,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
    let bag_entry: &mut PerTypeList = &mut deny_list.lists[per_type_index];
    let elements = if (!bag_entry.denied_addresses.contains(per_type_key)) vector[]
    else bag_entry.denied_addresses.remove(per_type_key).into_keys();
    elements.do_ref!(|addr| {
        let addr = *addr;
        let denied_count = &mut bag_entry.denied_count[addr];
        *denied_count = *denied_count - 1;
        if (*denied_count == 0) {
    let per_type_config = deny_list.per_type_config_entry!(per_type_index, per_type_key, ctx);!(|addr| {
        let setting_name = AddressKey(addr);
        let next_epoch_entry = per_type_config.entry!<_, AddressKey, bool>(
            &mut ConfigWriteCap(),
            |_deny_list, _cap, _ctx| true,
        *next_epoch_entry = true;

Function add_per_type_config

fun add_per_type_config(deny_list: &mut sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>, ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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fun add_per_type_config(
    deny_list: &mut DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    per_type_key: vector<u8>,
    ctx: &mut TxContext,
) {
    let key = ConfigKey { per_type_index, per_type_key };
    let config = config::new(&mut ConfigWriteCap(), ctx);
    let config_id = object::id(&config);
    ofield::internal_add(&mut, key, config);
    sui::event::emit(PerTypeConfigCreated { key, config_id });

Function borrow_per_type_config_mut

fun borrow_per_type_config_mut(deny_list: &mut sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>): &mut sui::config::Config<sui::deny_list::ConfigWriteCap>
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fun borrow_per_type_config_mut(
    deny_list: &mut DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    per_type_key: vector<u8>,
): &mut Config<ConfigWriteCap> {
    let key = ConfigKey { per_type_index, per_type_key };
    ofield::internal_borrow_mut(&mut, key)

Function borrow_per_type_config

fun borrow_per_type_config(deny_list: &sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>): &sui::config::Config<sui::deny_list::ConfigWriteCap>
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fun borrow_per_type_config(
    deny_list: &DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    per_type_key: vector<u8>,
): &Config<ConfigWriteCap> {
    let key = ConfigKey { per_type_index, per_type_key };
    ofield::internal_borrow(&, key)

Function per_type_exists

fun per_type_exists(deny_list: &sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>): bool
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fun per_type_exists(deny_list: &DenyList, per_type_index: u64, per_type_key: vector<u8>): bool {
    let key = ConfigKey { per_type_index, per_type_key };
    ofield::exists_(&, key)

Macro function per_type_config_entry

macro fun per_type_config_entry($deny_list: &mut sui::deny_list::DenyList, $per_type_index: u64, $per_type_key: vector<u8>, $ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext): &mut sui::config::Config<sui::deny_list::ConfigWriteCap>
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macro fun per_type_config_entry(
    $deny_list: &mut DenyList,
    $per_type_index: u64,
    $per_type_key: vector<u8>,
    $ctx: &mut TxContext,
): &mut Config<ConfigWriteCap> {
    let deny_list = $deny_list;
    let per_type_index = $per_type_index;
    let per_type_key = $per_type_key;
    let ctx = $ctx;
    if (!deny_list.per_type_exists(per_type_index, per_type_key)) {
        deny_list.add_per_type_config(per_type_index, per_type_key, ctx);
    deny_list.borrow_per_type_config_mut(per_type_index, per_type_key)

Function v1_add

Adds the given address to the deny list of the specified type, preventing it from interacting with instances of that type as an input to a transaction. For coins, the type specified is the type of the coin, not the coin type itself. For example, "00...0123::my_coin::MY_COIN" would be the type, not "00...02::coin::Coin".

public(package) fun v1_add(deny_list: &mut sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, type: vector<u8>, addr: address)
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public(package) fun v1_add(
    deny_list: &mut DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    `type`: vector<u8>,
    addr: address,
) {
    let reserved = RESERVED;
    assert!(!reserved.contains(&addr), EInvalidAddress);
    let bag_entry: &mut PerTypeList = &mut deny_list.lists[per_type_index];
    bag_entry.v1_per_type_list_add(`type`, addr)

Function v1_per_type_list_add

fun v1_per_type_list_add(list: &mut sui::deny_list::PerTypeList, type: vector<u8>, addr: address)
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fun v1_per_type_list_add(list: &mut PerTypeList, `type`: vector<u8>, addr: address) {
    if (!list.denied_addresses.contains(`type`)) {
        list.denied_addresses.add(`type`, vec_set::empty());
    let denied_addresses = &mut list.denied_addresses[`type`];
    let already_denied = denied_addresses.contains(&addr);
    if (already_denied) return;
    if (!list.denied_count.contains(addr)) {
        list.denied_count.add(addr, 0);
    let denied_count = &mut list.denied_count[addr];
    *denied_count = *denied_count + 1;

Function v1_remove

Removes a previously denied address from the list. Aborts with ENotDenied if the address is not on the list.

public(package) fun v1_remove(deny_list: &mut sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, type: vector<u8>, addr: address)
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public(package) fun v1_remove(
    deny_list: &mut DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    `type`: vector<u8>,
    addr: address,
) {
    let reserved = RESERVED;
    assert!(!reserved.contains(&addr), EInvalidAddress);
    let bag_entry: &mut PerTypeList = &mut deny_list.lists[per_type_index];
    bag_entry.v1_per_type_list_remove(`type`, addr)

Function v1_per_type_list_remove

fun v1_per_type_list_remove(list: &mut sui::deny_list::PerTypeList, type: vector<u8>, addr: address)
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fun v1_per_type_list_remove(list: &mut PerTypeList, `type`: vector<u8>, addr: address) {
    let denied_addresses = &mut list.denied_addresses[`type`];
    assert!(denied_addresses.contains(&addr), ENotDenied);
    let denied_count = &mut list.denied_count[addr];
    *denied_count = *denied_count - 1;
    if (*denied_count == 0) {

Function v1_contains

Returns true iff the given address is denied for the given type.

public(package) fun v1_contains(deny_list: &sui::deny_list::DenyList, per_type_index: u64, type: vector<u8>, addr: address): bool
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public(package) fun v1_contains(
    deny_list: &DenyList,
    per_type_index: u64,
    `type`: vector<u8>,
    addr: address,
): bool {
    let reserved = RESERVED;
    if (reserved.contains(&addr)) return false;
    let bag_entry: &PerTypeList = &deny_list.lists[per_type_index];
    bag_entry.v1_per_type_list_contains(`type`, addr)

Function v1_per_type_list_contains

fun v1_per_type_list_contains(list: &sui::deny_list::PerTypeList, type: vector<u8>, addr: address): bool
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fun v1_per_type_list_contains(list: &PerTypeList, `type`: vector<u8>, addr: address): bool {
    if (!list.denied_count.contains(addr)) return false;
    let denied_count = &list.denied_count[addr];
    if (*denied_count == 0) return false;
    if (!list.denied_addresses.contains(`type`)) return false;
    let denied_addresses = &list.denied_addresses[`type`];

Function create

Creation of the deny list object is restricted to the system address via a system transaction.

fun create(ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext)
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fun create(ctx: &mut TxContext) {
    assert!(ctx.sender() == @0x0, ENotSystemAddress);
    let mut lists = bag::new(ctx);
    lists.add(COIN_INDEX, per_type_list(ctx));
    let deny_list_object = DenyList {
        id: object::sui_deny_list_object_id(),

Function per_type_list

fun per_type_list(ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext): sui::deny_list::PerTypeList
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fun per_type_list(ctx: &mut TxContext): PerTypeList {
    PerTypeList {
        id: object::new(ctx),
        denied_count: table::new(ctx),
        denied_addresses: table::new(ctx),