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Module sui::linked_table

Similar to sui::table but the values are linked together, allowing for ordered insertion and removal

use std::ascii;
use std::bcs;
use std::option;
use std::string;
use std::vector;
use sui::address;
use sui::dynamic_field;
use sui::hex;
use sui::object;
use sui::tx_context;

Struct LinkedTable

public struct LinkedTable<K: copy, drop, store, phantom V: store> has key, store
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id: sui::object::UID
the ID of this table
size: u64
the number of key-value pairs in the table
head: std::option::Option<K>
the front of the table, i.e. the key of the first entry
tail: std::option::Option<K>
the back of the table, i.e. the key of the last entry

Struct Node

public struct Node<K: copy, drop, store, V: store> has store
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prev: std::option::Option<K>
the previous key
next: std::option::Option<K>
the next key
value: V
the value being stored


const ETableNotEmpty: u64 = 0;

const ETableIsEmpty: u64 = 1;

Function new

Creates a new, empty table

public fun new<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext): sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>
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public fun new<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(ctx: &mut TxContext): LinkedTable<K, V> {
    LinkedTable {
        id: object::new(ctx),
        size: 0,
        head: option::none(),
        tail: option::none(),

Function front

Returns the key for the first element in the table, or None if the table is empty

public fun front<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>): &std::option::Option<K>
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public fun front<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(table: &LinkedTable<K, V>): &Option<K> {

Function back

Returns the key for the last element in the table, or None if the table is empty

public fun back<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>): &std::option::Option<K>
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public fun back<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(table: &LinkedTable<K, V>): &Option<K> {

Function push_front

Inserts a key-value pair at the front of the table, i.e. the newly inserted pair will be the first element in the table Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldAlreadyExists if the table already has an entry with that key k: K.

public fun push_front<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &mut sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K, value: V)
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public fun push_front<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
    table: &mut LinkedTable<K, V>,
    k: K,
    value: V,
) {
    let old_head = table.head.swap_or_fill(k);
    if (table.tail.is_none()) table.tail.fill(k);
    let prev = option::none();
    let next = if (old_head.is_some()) {
        let old_head_k = old_head.destroy_some();
        field::borrow_mut<K, Node<K, V>>(&mut, old_head_k).prev = option::some(k);
    } else {
    field::add(&mut, k, Node { prev, next, value });
    table.size = table.size + 1;

Function push_back

Inserts a key-value pair at the back of the table, i.e. the newly inserted pair will be the last element in the table Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldAlreadyExists if the table already has an entry with that key k: K.

public fun push_back<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &mut sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K, value: V)
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public fun push_back<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
    table: &mut LinkedTable<K, V>,
    k: K,
    value: V,
) {
    if (table.head.is_none()) table.head.fill(k);
    let old_tail = table.tail.swap_or_fill(k);
    let prev = if (old_tail.is_some()) {
        let old_tail_k = old_tail.destroy_some();
        field::borrow_mut<K, Node<K, V>>(&mut, old_tail_k).next = option::some(k);
    } else {
    let next = option::none();
    field::add(&mut, k, Node { prev, next, value });
    table.size = table.size + 1;

Function borrow

Immutable borrows the value associated with the key in the table table: &LinkedTable<K, V>. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldDoesNotExist if the table does not have an entry with that key k: K.

public fun borrow<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K): &V
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public fun borrow<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(table: &LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K): &V {
    &field::borrow<K, Node<K, V>>(&, k).value

Function borrow_mut

Mutably borrows the value associated with the key in the table table: &mut LinkedTable<K, V>. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldDoesNotExist if the table does not have an entry with that key k: K.

public fun borrow_mut<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &mut sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K): &mut V
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public fun borrow_mut<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(
    table: &mut LinkedTable<K, V>,
    k: K,
): &mut V {
    &mut field::borrow_mut<K, Node<K, V>>(&mut, k).value

Function prev

Borrows the key for the previous entry of the specified key k: K in the table table: &LinkedTable<K, V>. Returns None if the entry does not have a predecessor. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldDoesNotExist if the table does not have an entry with that key k: K

public fun prev<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K): &std::option::Option<K>
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public fun prev<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(table: &LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K): &Option<K> {
    &field::borrow<K, Node<K, V>>(&, k).prev

Function next

Borrows the key for the next entry of the specified key k: K in the table table: &LinkedTable<K, V>. Returns None if the entry does not have a predecessor. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldDoesNotExist if the table does not have an entry with that key k: K

public fun next<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K): &std::option::Option<K>
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public fun next<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(table: &LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K): &Option<K> {
    &field::borrow<K, Node<K, V>>(&, k).next

Function remove

Removes the key-value pair in the table table: &mut LinkedTable<K, V> and returns the value. This splices the element out of the ordering. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldDoesNotExist if the table does not have an entry with that key k: K. Note: this is also what happens when the table is empty.

public fun remove<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &mut sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K): V
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public fun remove<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(table: &mut LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K): V {
    let Node<K, V> { prev, next, value } = field::remove(&mut, k);
    table.size = table.size - 1;
    if (prev.is_some()) {
        field::borrow_mut<K, Node<K, V>>(&mut, *prev.borrow()).next = next
    if (next.is_some()) {
        field::borrow_mut<K, Node<K, V>>(&mut, *next.borrow()).prev = prev
    if (table.head.borrow() == &k) table.head = next;
    if (table.tail.borrow() == &k) table.tail = prev;

Function pop_front

Removes the front of the table table: &mut LinkedTable<K, V> and returns the value. Aborts with ETableIsEmpty if the table is empty

public fun pop_front<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &mut sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>): (K, V)
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public fun pop_front<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(table: &mut LinkedTable<K, V>): (K, V) {
    assert!(table.head.is_some(), ETableIsEmpty);
    let head = *table.head.borrow();
    (head, table.remove(head))

Function pop_back

Removes the back of the table table: &mut LinkedTable<K, V> and returns the value. Aborts with ETableIsEmpty if the table is empty

public fun pop_back<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &mut sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>): (K, V)
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public fun pop_back<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(table: &mut LinkedTable<K, V>): (K, V) {
    assert!(table.tail.is_some(), ETableIsEmpty);
    let tail = *table.tail.borrow();
    (tail, table.remove(tail))

Function contains

Returns true iff there is a value associated with the key k: K in table table: &LinkedTable<K, V>

public fun contains<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K): bool
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public fun contains<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(table: &LinkedTable<K, V>, k: K): bool {
    field::exists_with_type<K, Node<K, V>>(&, k)

Function length

Returns the size of the table, the number of key-value pairs

public fun length<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>): u64
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public fun length<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(table: &LinkedTable<K, V>): u64 {

Function is_empty

Returns true iff the table is empty (if length returns 0)

public fun is_empty<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: &sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>): bool
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public fun is_empty<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(table: &LinkedTable<K, V>): bool {
    table.size == 0

Function destroy_empty

Destroys an empty table Aborts with ETableNotEmpty if the table still contains values

public fun destroy_empty<K: copy, drop, store, V: store>(table: sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>)
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public fun destroy_empty<K: copy + drop + store, V: store>(table: LinkedTable<K, V>) {
    let LinkedTable { id, size, head: _, tail: _ } = table;
    assert!(size == 0, ETableNotEmpty);

Function drop

Drop a possibly non-empty table. Usable only if the value type V has the drop ability

public fun drop<K: copy, drop, store, V: drop, store>(table: sui::linked_table::LinkedTable<K, V>)
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public fun drop<K: copy + drop + store, V: drop + store>(table: LinkedTable<K, V>) {
    let LinkedTable { id, size: _, head: _, tail: _ } = table;