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Module sui::object_bag

Similar to sui::bag, an ObjectBag is a heterogeneous map-like collection. But unlike sui::bag, the values bound to these dynamic fields must be objects themselves. This allows for the objects to still exist in storage, which may be important for external tools. The difference is otherwise not observable from within Move.

use std::ascii;
use std::bcs;
use std::option;
use std::string;
use std::vector;
use sui::address;
use sui::dynamic_field;
use sui::dynamic_object_field;
use sui::hex;
use sui::object;
use sui::tx_context;

Struct ObjectBag

public struct ObjectBag has key, store
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id: sui::object::UID
the ID of this bag
size: u64
the number of key-value pairs in the bag


const EBagNotEmpty: u64 = 0;

Function new

Creates a new, empty bag

public fun new(ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext): sui::object_bag::ObjectBag
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public fun new(ctx: &mut TxContext): ObjectBag {
    ObjectBag {
        id: object::new(ctx),
        size: 0,

Function add

Adds a key-value pair to the bag bag: &mut ObjectBag Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldAlreadyExists if the bag already has an entry with that key k: K.

public fun addK, V(bag: &mut sui::object_bag::ObjectBag, k: K, v: V)
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public fun add<K: copy + drop + store, V: key + store>(bag: &mut ObjectBag, k: K, v: V) {
    ofield::add(&mut, k, v);
    bag.size = bag.size + 1;

Function borrow

Immutably borrows the value associated with the key in the bag bag: &ObjectBag. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldDoesNotExist if the bag does not have an entry with that key k: K. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldTypeMismatch if the bag has an entry for the key, but the value does not have the specified type.

public fun borrowK, V(bag: &sui::object_bag::ObjectBag, k: K): &V
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public fun borrow<K: copy + drop + store, V: key + store>(bag: &ObjectBag, k: K): &V {
    ofield::borrow(&, k)

Function borrow_mut

Mutably borrows the value associated with the key in the bag bag: &mut ObjectBag. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldDoesNotExist if the bag does not have an entry with that key k: K. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldTypeMismatch if the bag has an entry for the key, but the value does not have the specified type.

public fun borrow_mutK, V(bag: &mut sui::object_bag::ObjectBag, k: K): &mut V
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public fun borrow_mut<K: copy + drop + store, V: key + store>(bag: &mut ObjectBag, k: K): &mut V {
    ofield::borrow_mut(&mut, k)

Function remove

Mutably borrows the key-value pair in the bag bag: &mut ObjectBag and returns the value. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldDoesNotExist if the bag does not have an entry with that key k: K. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldTypeMismatch if the bag has an entry for the key, but the value does not have the specified type.

public fun removeK, V(bag: &mut sui::object_bag::ObjectBag, k: K): V
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public fun remove<K: copy + drop + store, V: key + store>(bag: &mut ObjectBag, k: K): V {
    let v = ofield::remove(&mut, k);
    bag.size = bag.size - 1;

Function contains

Returns true iff there is an value associated with the key k: K in the bag bag: &ObjectBag

public fun containsK(bag: &sui::object_bag::ObjectBag, k: K): bool
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public fun contains<K: copy + drop + store>(bag: &ObjectBag, k: K): bool {
    ofield::exists_<K>(&, k)

Function contains_with_type

Returns true iff there is an value associated with the key k: K in the bag bag: &ObjectBag with an assigned value of type V

public fun contains_with_typeK, V(bag: &sui::object_bag::ObjectBag, k: K): bool
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public fun contains_with_type<K: copy + drop + store, V: key + store>(bag: &ObjectBag, k: K): bool {
    ofield::exists_with_type<K, V>(&, k)

Function length

Returns the size of the bag, the number of key-value pairs

public fun length(bag: &sui::object_bag::ObjectBag): u64
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public fun length(bag: &ObjectBag): u64 {

Function is_empty

Returns true iff the bag is empty (if length returns 0)

public fun is_empty(bag: &sui::object_bag::ObjectBag): bool
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public fun is_empty(bag: &ObjectBag): bool {
    bag.size == 0

Function destroy_empty

Destroys an empty bag Aborts with EBagNotEmpty if the bag still contains values

public fun destroy_empty(bag: sui::object_bag::ObjectBag)
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public fun destroy_empty(bag: ObjectBag) {
    let ObjectBag { id, size } = bag;
    assert!(size == 0, EBagNotEmpty);

Function value_id

Returns the ID of the object associated with the key if the bag has an entry with key k: K Returns none otherwise

public fun value_idK(bag: &sui::object_bag::ObjectBag, k: K): std::option::Option<sui::object::ID>
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public fun value_id<K: copy + drop + store>(bag: &ObjectBag, k: K): Option<ID> {
    ofield::id(&, k)