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Module sui::object

Sui object identifiers

use std::ascii;
use std::bcs;
use std::option;
use std::string;
use std::vector;
use sui::address;
use sui::hex;
use sui::tx_context;

Struct ID

An object ID. This is used to reference Sui Objects. This is not guaranteed to be globally unique--anyone can create an ID from a UID or from an object, and ID's can be freely copied and dropped. Here, the values are not globally unique because there can be multiple values of type ID with the same underlying bytes. For example, object::id(&obj) can be called as many times as you want for a given obj, and each ID value will be identical.

public struct ID has copy, drop, store
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bytes: address

Struct UID

Globally unique IDs that define an object's ID in storage. Any Sui Object, that is a struct with the key ability, must have id: UID as its first field. These are globally unique in the sense that no two values of type UID are ever equal, in other words for any two values id1: UID and id2: UID, id1 != id2. This is a privileged type that can only be derived from a TxContext. UID doesn't have the drop ability, so deleting a UID requires a call to delete.

public struct UID has store
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The hardcoded ID for the singleton Sui System State Object.

const SUI_SYSTEM_STATE_OBJECT_ID: address = 0x5;

The hardcoded ID for the singleton Clock Object.

const SUI_CLOCK_OBJECT_ID: address = 0x6;

The hardcoded ID for the singleton AuthenticatorState Object.

const SUI_AUTHENTICATOR_STATE_ID: address = 0x7;

The hardcoded ID for the singleton Random Object.

const SUI_RANDOM_ID: address = 0x8;

The hardcoded ID for the singleton DenyList.

const SUI_DENY_LIST_OBJECT_ID: address = 0x403;

The hardcoded ID for the Bridge Object.

const SUI_BRIDGE_ID: address = 0x9;

Sender is not @0x0 the system address.

const ENotSystemAddress: u64 = 0;

Function id_to_bytes

Get the raw bytes of a ID

public fun id_to_bytes(id: &sui::object::ID): vector<u8>
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public fun id_to_bytes(id: &ID): vector<u8> {

Function id_to_address

Get the inner bytes of id as an address.

public fun id_to_address(id: &sui::object::ID): address
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public fun id_to_address(id: &ID): address {

Function id_from_bytes

Make an ID from raw bytes.

public fun id_from_bytes(bytes: vector<u8>): sui::object::ID
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public fun id_from_bytes(bytes: vector<u8>): ID {

Function id_from_address

Make an ID from an address.

public fun id_from_address(bytes: address): sui::object::ID
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public fun id_from_address(bytes: address): ID {
    ID { bytes }

Function sui_system_state

Create the UID for the singleton SuiSystemState object. This should only be called once from sui_system.

fun sui_system_state(ctx: &sui::tx_context::TxContext): sui::object::UID
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fun sui_system_state(ctx: &TxContext): UID {
    assert!(ctx.sender() == @0x0, ENotSystemAddress);
    UID {
        id: ID { bytes: SUI_SYSTEM_STATE_OBJECT_ID },

Function clock

Create the UID for the singleton Clock object. This should only be called once from clock.

public(package) fun clock(): sui::object::UID
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public(package) fun clock(): UID {
    UID {
        id: ID { bytes: SUI_CLOCK_OBJECT_ID },

Function authenticator_state

Create the UID for the singleton AuthenticatorState object. This should only be called once from authenticator_state.

public(package) fun authenticator_state(): sui::object::UID
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public(package) fun authenticator_state(): UID {
    UID {
        id: ID { bytes: SUI_AUTHENTICATOR_STATE_ID },

Function randomness_state

Create the UID for the singleton Random object. This should only be called once from random.

public(package) fun randomness_state(): sui::object::UID
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public(package) fun randomness_state(): UID {
    UID {
        id: ID { bytes: SUI_RANDOM_ID },

Function sui_deny_list_object_id

Create the UID for the singleton DenyList object. This should only be called once from deny_list.

public(package) fun sui_deny_list_object_id(): sui::object::UID
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public(package) fun sui_deny_list_object_id(): UID {
    UID {
        id: ID { bytes: SUI_DENY_LIST_OBJECT_ID },

Function bridge

Create the UID for the singleton Bridge object. This should only be called once from bridge.

fun bridge(): sui::object::UID
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fun bridge(): UID {
    UID {
        id: ID { bytes: SUI_BRIDGE_ID },

Function uid_as_inner

Get the inner ID of uid

public fun uid_as_inner(uid: &sui::object::UID): &sui::object::ID
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public fun uid_as_inner(uid: &UID): &ID {

Function uid_to_inner

Get the raw bytes of a uid's inner ID

public fun uid_to_inner(uid: &sui::object::UID): sui::object::ID
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public fun uid_to_inner(uid: &UID): ID {

Function uid_to_bytes

Get the raw bytes of a UID

public fun uid_to_bytes(uid: &sui::object::UID): vector<u8>
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public fun uid_to_bytes(uid: &UID): vector<u8> {

Function uid_to_address

Get the inner bytes of id as an address.

public fun uid_to_address(uid: &sui::object::UID): address
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public fun uid_to_address(uid: &UID): address {

Function new

Create a new object. Returns the UID that must be stored in a Sui object. This is the only way to create UIDs.

public fun new(ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext): sui::object::UID
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public fun new(ctx: &mut TxContext): UID {
    UID {
        id: ID { bytes: ctx.fresh_object_address() },

Function delete

Delete the object and its UID. This is the only way to eliminate a UID. This exists to inform Sui of object deletions. When an object gets unpacked, the programmer will have to do something with its UID. The implementation of this function emits a deleted system event so Sui knows to process the object deletion

public fun delete(id: sui::object::UID)
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public fun delete(id: UID) {
    let UID { id: ID { bytes } } = id;

Function id

Get the underlying ID of obj

public fun id<T: key>(obj: &T): sui::object::ID
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public fun id<T: key>(obj: &T): ID {

Function borrow_id

Borrow the underlying ID of obj

public fun borrow_id<T: key>(obj: &T): &sui::object::ID
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public fun borrow_id<T: key>(obj: &T): &ID {

Function id_bytes

Get the raw bytes for the underlying ID of obj

public fun id_bytes<T: key>(obj: &T): vector<u8>
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public fun id_bytes<T: key>(obj: &T): vector<u8> {

Function id_address

Get the inner bytes for the underlying ID of obj

public fun id_address<T: key>(obj: &T): address
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public fun id_address<T: key>(obj: &T): address {

Function borrow_uid

Get the UID for obj. Safe because Sui has an extra bytecode verifier pass that forces every struct with the key ability to have a distinguished UID field. Cannot be made public as the access to UID for a given object must be privileged, and restrictable in the object's module.

fun borrow_uid<T: key>(obj: &T): &sui::object::UID
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native fun borrow_uid<T: key>(obj: &T): &UID;

Function new_uid_from_hash

Generate a new UID specifically used for creating a UID from a hash

public(package) fun new_uid_from_hash(bytes: address): sui::object::UID
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public(package) fun new_uid_from_hash(bytes: address): UID {
    UID { id: ID { bytes } }

Function delete_impl

fun delete_impl(id: address)
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native fun delete_impl(id: address);

Function record_new_uid

fun record_new_uid(id: address)
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native fun record_new_uid(id: address);