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Description of a struct type, defined in a Move module.

type MoveStruct implements IMoveDatatype {
module: MoveModule!
name: String!
abilities: [MoveAbility!]
typeParameters: [MoveStructTypeParameter!]
fields: [MoveField!]


MoveStruct.module ● MoveModule! non-null object

The module this struct was originally defined in. ● String! non-null scalar

The struct's (unqualified) type name.

MoveStruct.abilities ● [MoveAbility!] list enum

Abilities this struct has.

MoveStruct.typeParameters ● [MoveStructTypeParameter!] list object

Constraints on the struct's formal type parameters. Move bytecode does not name type parameters, so when they are referenced (e.g. in field types) they are identified by their index in this list.

MoveStruct.fields ● [MoveField!] list object

The names and types of the struct's fields. Field types reference type parameters, by their index in the defining struct's typeParameters list.


IMoveDatatype interface

Interface implemented by all GraphQL types that represent a Move datatype (either structs or enums). This interface is used to provide a way to access fields that are shared by both structs and enums, e.g., the module that the datatype belongs to, the name of the datatype, type parameters etc.

Member Of

MoveDatatype object ● MoveModule object ● MoveStructConnection object ● MoveStructEdge object